1140: Vacancies

Model Board Policy Manual

ISBA Policy Management Console

Board Policy 1140: Vacancies


Original Adopted Date: 12/13/2011 | Last Revised Date: 10/09/2018, 8-13-2024 | Last Reviewed Date: 06/18/2024



A vacancy shall be declared by the Board of Trustees within 30 days of when any of the following occurs: A Trustee:

  1. Dies;
  2. Resigns;
  3. Removes him or herself from the trustee zone of residence;
  4. Is no longer is a resident or school district elector of the District;
  5. Refuses to serve as Trustee;
  6. Fails to attend four consecutive regular meetings of the Board of Trustees without excuse acceptable to the Board;

A Trustee position shall also be vacant when an elected candidate fails to qualify.

A declaration of vacancy shall be made at any regular or special meeting of the Board when any of the above-mentioned conditions are determined to exist. 

If a Trustee is recalled, the vacancy shall exist upon certification of the special recall election by the board of county commissioners. Board action is not required to declare a vacancy upon the board of county commissioner’s certification.  

In the case of a trustee vacancy, the remaining Trustees shall fill the vacancy by appointment. The Board will receive applications from any qualified persons seeking to fill the position after suitable public notice. The Board will consider all applications from qualified persons seeking to fill the position in open session. The Board will appoint one candidate to serve for the balance of the unexpired term of office which was declared vacant. In the event the Board of Trustees is unable to appoint a Trustee from the zone vacated after 90 days from the date the Board declared the vacancy, the Board of Trustees may appoint a person at-large from within the boundaries of the School District to serve as the Trustee from the zone where the vacancy occurred. For Trustees who are recalled, vacancy period begins upon certification of the recall election. Otherwise, after 120 days of the declaration of vacancy, the county commissioners of Gooding County shall appoint a qualified person to fill such vacancy. 

The authority of a Trustee subject to recall is limited from the period of the special recall election until the time of certification by the board of county commissioners, consistent with 1500P.  

Legal References


IC § 33-501

Board of Trustees

IC § 33-504

Vacancies on Boards of Trustees

IC § 74-206

Executive Sessions – When Authorized

Cross References






Taking Office


Taking Office


Duties of Individual Trustees


Board Meetings


Board Meetings




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