1120P: Oath of Office

An oath of office is required to be administered to each School Board Trustee, whether elected, re-elected, or appointed. The Trustee is required to take his or her oath within ten days after the Trustee has notice of his or her election or appointment, or within 15 days from the commencement of his or her term of office. Before any Trustee, elected or appointed, enters upon the duties of his or her office, he or she must take the following oath:

I do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of Idaho, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of Trustee of the Gooding Jt. School District #231 according to the best of my ability.

The oath is required to be administered by the clerk or by a Trustee. Additionally, the records of the District are required to show that such oath of office has been taken and by whom the oath was administered. Finally, this information is required to be filed with the official records of the District.

A Trustee holds office from January 1 following their election in November until January 1 in the year in which his or her term of office expires, unless he or she:

  • Dies;
  • Resigns as Trustee;
  • Removes him or herself from the trustee zone of residence;
  • Is no longer a resident or school district elector of the District;
  • Refuses to serve as Trustee;
  • Fails to attend four consecutive regular meetings of the Board without an acceptable excuse to the Board of Trustees; or
  • Is recalled and discharged from office.

If the Trustee is appointed, he or she holds office from the time he or she takes the oath of office until January 1 in the year in which the original term of office to which he or she was appointed expires, unless he or she:

  • Dies;
  • Resigns as Trustee;
  • Removes him or herself from the trustee zone of residence;
  • Is no longer a resident or school district elector of the District;
  • Refuses to serve as Trustee;
  • Fails to attend four consecutive regular meetings of the Board without an acceptable excuse to the Board; or
    Is recalled and discharged from office.

Procedure History
Promulgated on: 12/13/2011
Revised on: 9/11/2018
Reviewed on:

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