1110P: Candidate Edification

At the time of nomination, election, or appointment, each Trustee shall be a school district elector of the District and a resident of the trustee zone from which nominated and elected or appointed.

Each Trustee shall qualify for and assume office on the next January 1 following his or her election or, if appointed, at the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees next following such appointment.

An oath of office shall be administered to each Trustee, whether elected, re-elected, or appointed. The oath may be administered by the clerk, or by a Trustee of the District. The records of the District shall show such oath of office to have been taken and by whom the oath was administered and shall be filed with the official records of the District.

Cross Reference: 1140 Vacancies

Legal Reference:

I.C. § 33-501 Board of Trustees
I.C. § 33-504 Vacancies on Boards of Trustees
I.C. § 59-401 Loyalty Oath—Form
I.C. § 59-402 Time of Taking Oath

Policy History: 

Adopted on:
Revised on: 7/10/2018
Reviewed on:

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