Update on School Sports Participation Due to COVID-19


Updated on: November 14, 2020

Now that the Governor moved Idaho to Stage 2, the athletic plan that was just posted yesterday, 11/12/2020, will need to be revised yet again.

I will meet with Principals and Athletic Directors on Monday, 11/16/2020.

We can still hold extracurricular activities but will need to limit the number of non participants, including band members and cheerleaders even more, possibly not allowing spectators at all. Again, we will review Stage 2 requirements on Monday and will get our revision out then. Thanks for your understanding and patience.

This plan is in effect as of November 13, 2020 and will stay in effect as long as we are in stage 3 of the Idaho Rebound plan.

The main goal, which has always been the main goal of the athletics department during these unique times, is to continue providing the opportunity for our student-athletes to participate in extra-curricular activities.

That being said, due to the uniqueness of the current situation and the guidelines given to us per Governor Little and the State of Idaho, to be able to continue offering these opportunities to our student-athletes, there must be some restrictions put into place to do so.

Gooding High School Plan

· No more than 50 “non-essential personnel” will be allowed into our indoor facilities during extra-curricular events.

· No more than 25% of capacity will be allowed at our outdoor facilities for our outdoor extra-curricular activities. · Gooding student-athletes are allowed two guests per event.

· No visiting fans will be allowed.

· Guest are required to wear face coverings into the facilities and in any common areas (i.e. concessions, restrooms, etc.).

After each game, parents/guardians will be asked to leave to allow for the next contests’ parents/guardians.

· No students will be allowed at home games, unless they are “essential personnel” (i.e., team managers, players, stats, concessions help, etc.).

· No more than five Cheerleaders will be permitted for each basketball game.

· Cheerleaders will not travel to away games to limit exposure and total numbers at events.

· Members of the pep band will be allowed at conference home games.

· For wrestling home meets, including tournaments, only two Gooding parents/guardians will be allowed in per wrestler.· No visiting fans will be allowed entry to wrestling events.·

These guidelines, restrictions, and other recommendations can also be found in our GSD Athletics COVID-19 Protocols and Return to Play Plan & Guidelines found on the district website.

Gooding Middle School Plan

· No more than 50 “non-essential personnel” will be allowed into our indoor facilities during extra-curricular events.

· No more than 25% of capacity will be allowed at our outdoor facilities for our outdoor extra-curricular activities.

· For basketball, Gooding student-athletes and visiting athletes are allowed two guests per event. (Must check in with tickettaker).

· Masks are required for entry into school and event, and in any common areas (concessions, restrooms, etc.).

· Non participating students are not allowed at events

.· After each game, parents/guardians will be asked to leave to allow room for the next contests’ parents/guardians.

· No more than five GMS cheerleaders per game will be allowed.

· For wrestling home meets, including tournaments, only two Gooding parents/guardians will be allowed in per wrestler.

· No visiting fans will be allowed entry to wrestling events.·

These guidelines, restrictions, and other recommendations can also be found in our GSD Athletics COVID-19 Protocols and Return to Play Plan & Guidelines found on the district website.

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