Update on COVID-19 Cases

COVID-19 Update Title Image

Dear Patrons:

Since the start of the school year, we have notified only the parents of students whose teacher has tested positive for Covid-19 and parents whose students have been in close contact (within six feet for longer than 15 minutes) of someone who tested positive. In an effort to be more transparent to the community, we are making this public. We have not intentionally tried to hide this information, but our efforts have been centered around notifying the people who are closely involved

As many of you already know, the district has had several cases of Covid-19 since the start of the year. Most of the positive cases have been with staff members: five at GES, four at GMS and three at GHS; four staff members have returned to work. We have had only four positive cases come from students in the district; two at GES, one at GMS, and one at GHS. If there have been more positive cases among our staff and students, they have not been reported to us. Depending upon where someone is tested, we often don’t get the results until the quarantine period is about over. When a case is reported to us, our custodial staff sanitizes the classroom the same day at the elementary school. If the case is at the secondary level the entire school is sanitized.
Please know that we are trying our best to keep students safe and the schools open while operating within the parameters of the Covid plan on our website. It can be found here: https://gsd231.org/…/Reopening-Closure_Plan_1.pdf.
Please note that some components in the plan have changed since it was first approved by the Board of Trustees. Students who have only been in close proximity to another who has tested positive only need to quarantine for seven days (initially 14) and be fever free with improved symptoms for 48 hours. Staff, because they are deemed essential workers, only need to quarantine if they are experiencing symptoms. Also, cheerleaders will be back in front of fans rather than the endzone.
If you feel that you should have been contacted but were not, please contact the schools to ensure they have correct and up to date information. If you have questions or concerns regarding the district’s plan, please feel free to contact me: 208-934-4321 x 4400. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

Spencer Larsen

Superintendent of Schools

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