Gooding Jt. School District #231


NONINSTRUCTIONAL OPERATIONS                           8240


School Meals


This policy supports the mission of the District, including providing an environment that cultivates maximum student potential. Nutrition influences a child’s development, health, well-being, and potential for learning. To afford students the opportunity to fully participate in the educational process, students must attend school with minds and bodies ready to take advantage of their learning environment. This policy encourages all members of the school community to create an environment that supports lifelong healthy eating habits. Decisions made in all school programming need to reflect and encourage positive nutrition messages and healthy food choices.


National School Lunch Program and the National School Breakfast Program


  1. The full meal program will follow the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the National School Breakfast Program (SBP) Nutrition Standards as well as Smart Snacks in Schools regulations, and offer a variety of fruits and vegetables. All of the grains served shall be whole grain rich;


  1. The meals served will be appealing and attractive to children; and


  1. The NSLP and SBP provider shall follow the Nutrition Standards for these programs when determining the items in a la carte sales.




To ensure that all children have breakfast, either at home or at school, and in order to meet their nutritional needs and enhance their ability to learn, District schools will:


  1. To the extent possible, operate the School Breakfast Program;
  2. To the extent possible, arrange bus schedules and utilize methods to serve school breakfasts that encourage participation, including serving breakfast in the classroom, “grab-and-go” breakfast, or breakfast during morning break or recess;
  3. Notify parents and students of the availability of the School Breakfast Program; and
  4. Encourage parents to provide a healthy breakfast for their children through newsletter articles, take-home materials, or other means.


Lunchroom Climate


  1. A lunchroom environment that provides students with a relaxed, enjoyable climate should be developed; and
  2. The Board encourages schools to make the lunchroom environment a place where students have adequate space to eat and pleasant surroundings.

Meal Times and Scheduling Recommendations


District schools, to the greatest extent possible, should:


  1. Provide students with at least ten minutes to eat after sitting down for breakfast and 20 minutes after sitting down for lunch;
  2. Schedule meal periods at appropriate times, e.g., lunch should be scheduled between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM;
  3. Not schedule tutoring, club or organizational meetings, or activities during mealtimes unless students may eat during such activities;
  4. Schedule lunch periods in elementary schools to follow recess periods;
  5. Provide students access to hand washing or hand sanitizing before they eat meals or snacks; and



Legal References:       42 U.S.C. 1751 et seq. National School Lunch Act

                                    7 CFR Part 210 Nutrition School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs: Final Rule

                                    Smart Snacks in School Regulations by the United States Department of Agriculture


Policy History:

Adopted on:11-13-23

Revised on:

Reviewed on:

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