8105: Extracurricular Transportation

Gooding Jt. School District 231


NONINSTRUCTIONAL OPERATIONS                                                                              8105


Extracurricular Transportation


The term “extracurricular” refers to activities or events which are supplements to the regular instructional program and do not involve class credit, including, but not limited to athletics, speech, debate, music, band, student groups and/or organizations, and community activities.


The use of school buses is strictly limited to school activities. Buses may not be loaned or leased to non-school groups unless permission is specifically granted by the Board. On all activity runs, buses will be operated by a qualified bus driver, and only authorized activity participants, professional staff, and chaperones assigned by the administration may ride the bus.


The determination as to whether to provide transportation for students, spectators, or participants to and from extracurricular activities shall be made solely by the District. This determination shall include, but is not limited to, the decision to provide transportation, the persons to be transported, the type or method to be utilized, all transportation scheduling and coordination, and any other transportation arrangements or decisions. Employees who are involved in extracurricular activities shall be advised by the administration as to the transportation arrangements made, if any.


District employees wishing to undertake independent arrangement, scheduling, or coordination of transportation for extracurricular activities shall do so only when specifically directed or approved by the Superintendent or his or her designee. District employees will notify the Superintendent or designee of all transportation details and/or arrangements made after authorization. District employees shall not use a personal vehicle to transport students.


While the District does not prohibit students or District patrons from arranging a carpool to provide transportation to any District facility, activity, or event, it is impractical for the District to take steps to ensure the safety of any carpool vehicle or driver. For this reason, the District and its employees shall not arrange, encourage, or take responsibility for any such carpool. The District will bear no liability associated with any carpool arrangements.


A duplicate copy of the passenger list will be made for all activity trips. One copy will remain with the professional staff member in charge on the bus and one copy will be given to the Activities Director before the bus departs.


All buses used to transport students on activity trips shall be in safe mechanical and good working condition.


At its discretion, the District may charge fees for transportation of students to and from extracurricular activities where attendance is optional.





Student Travel to/from Extracurricular or Co-Curricular Activity


Unless other travel arrangements are authorized, students will board the bus at the school designated as point of origin for the trip and will return to the point of origin in the bus. There will be no stops along the designated route to pick up or discharge students.


The only variation allowed in this regulation is the release of students to parents in a face-to-face situation at the close of the activity before buses begin the return trip. Such release will require a signed, dated note from the parent.


Responsibility for extracurricular transportation, when not provided by the District, will remain with the parent, who will be required to sign a waiver and release of claims prior to the extracurricular activity or event. Such waiver and release of claims shall remain on file at the school.


The activity must provide at least one instructor, coach, or adult sponsor for each bus on a special trip who shall be familiar with or provided a copy of this policy. The bus driver will be responsible for the safe operation of the bus. The sponsor will be responsible for supervision of students and enforcement of bus rules. Any adult designated by the principal as a sponsor will have such authority.



Cross References:       3380                                  Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Participation Policy

                                    8100                                  Transportation

                                    8105F                                Extracurricular Transportation Liability Waiver


Legal References:       I.C. § 33-512(12)              Governance of Schools

                                    I.C. § 33-1501                   Transportation Authorized

                                    IDAPA        Program Operations


Policy History:

Adopted on:  10/8/13

Revised on:   9/13/22

Reviewed on:

Transcript Request Form

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