5700: Substitutes

Gooding Joint School District No. 231

PERSONNEL                                                                                                           5700



The term “substitute teacher” as defined in I.C. § 33-512(15) as any individual who temporarily replaces a certificated classroom educator and is paid a substitute teacher wage for one (1) day or more during a school year.


The state department of education shall maintain a statewide list of substitute teachers.

To remain on the statewide substitute teacher list, the substitute teacher shall undergo a criminal history check every five (5) years.


The Board authorizes the use of substitute teachers as necessary to replace teachers who are temporarily absent. The building principal or designee shall arrange for the substitute to work for the absent teacher. Under no condition is a teacher to select or arrange for a private substitute.


The Board annually establishes a daily rate of pay for substitute teachers. No fringe benefits are given to substitute teachers.


Substitutes for classified positions will be paid by the hour.


A high school diploma or equivalent is required to be a substitute teacher in the Gooding School District. Documentation will need to be provided.



Cross Reference: 5110                      Criminal History / Background Checks



Legal Reference: I.C. § 33-130         Criminal history checks for school district employees or

applicants for certificates

I.C. § 33-512(15) Governance of schools



Policy History:

Adopted on: 4/9/13

Revised on: 10/11/16; 1/19/21













Transcript Request Form

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