3460: School-Related Overnight Travel by Students

Model Board Policy Manual

ISBA Policy Management Console

Board Policy 3460: School-Related Foreign Travel by Students


Original Adopted Date: 07/01/2006 | Last Revised Date: 10/31/2023, 3-12-24 | Last Reviewed Date: 10/31/2023



School-related foreign trips are allowed by the Gooding School District when the experiences are an integral part of the school curriculum and contribute to the District’s desired educational goals. School-related travel is intended to allow students experiences that provide them with insight, information, or knowledge that cannot be adequately developed through regular classroom experience. 

Such travel shall be solely optional and by the choice of the student and their family. No such travel shall be related to any assignment, course work, or credit.

When contemplating approval of foreign travel by students, the Superintendent shall take into account any travel warnings or cautions of the U.S. Department of State. The Superintendent shall seek advice concerning foreign travel from the District’s legal counsel and insurance carrier. 

School-related foreign travel supplements regular instructional programs and affords students opportunities for enrichment. However, participation in school-related foreign travel is a privilege, not a right. As representatives of their school and District, students participating in such activities are expected to meet high standards of behavior.

Trip Plan Submission/Proposal

All student activities involving travel shall be authorized by the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee. Each trip’s authorization shall be based on the written rationale of the travel’s educational value as well as the safety and welfare of the students involved. 

Requests for trips must be submitted to the Superintendent no later than eight weeks in advance of the trip. 

Trips should be scheduled as much as possible during non-school hours and days, such as spring or summer break, so that absences from other instructional programs are kept to a minimum. 

The teacher(s) responsible for the trip shall submit a list of participants to the school nurse so that provisions for any special medical problems and/or precautions can be provided.

Advertising, for school approved foreign travel by students, including the distribution of materials,  will be allowed during the school day. Planning and promotion of private, non-sponsored trips shall not be conducted in any school classroom or via any official or employee school email or social media. 
Private groups and organizations may not use the District in any way to promote their activities. 

The Superintendent will develop procedures for trips, including the approval process, and procedures to be used in case of accident, illness, and student conduct violations. 

The trip proposal must be in writing and contain the following elements: 

  1. Identify the purpose of the trip and an outline of anticipated educational experiences and/or course of study to be followed;
  2. Identify the names of students and chaperones attending the trip;
  3. Identify and plan for any special medical needs of students and chaperones attending the trip;
  4. Identify adequate liability insurance to protect the District, Board members, chaperones, teachers and students;
  5. Submit an itemized statement of costs, including transportation, meals, and accommodations; and
  6. Submit an itemized statement of costs as appropriate to the school-sponsored trip, such as passport and visa expenses, costs of a personal nature, and optional trip insurance. 

The Superintendent may enforce restrictions regarding the date, length of time, and the chaperone/student ratio as a condition of approval. 

Students participating in the trip during school hours are permitted and expected to make up any school work missed. The student’s absence shall be recorded as “excused.” The total number of school days missed due to the trip must be included in the written proposal. 

A plan must be developed for the administration of medication for any student requiring such assistance. 

The proposal must include the names and numbers of chaperones, including both male and female chaperones if the proposal is for a mixed group of students. 

In developing the proposal for the extended trip, the trip organizer will perform the following duties: 

  1. Hold at least one pre-trip meeting with students and parents/guardians;
  2. Provide to the Superintendent, students, parents/guardians, and chaperones detailed written information about the trip and all activities;
  3. Provide detailed information on the responsibilities and rules for the students and chaperones;
  4. Discuss District policy regarding student conduct while on school-sponsored activities; 
  5. Establish a curfew and enforce strict compliance to this curfew. Chaperones will be required to perform periodic checks to ensure that students are following the curfew requirements;
  6. Perform periodic checks to ensure strict compliance with all school rules and policies; and 
  7. Refrain from using tobacco and consuming alcoholic beverages or drugs while on the extended trip. 

Pre-Trip Meetings

Pre-trip meetings involving students and their parents, as appropriate, shall be scheduled to assure that all plans are clearly understood. Pre-trip meetings shall not occur until approval from the Superintendent has been received. 


Trip chaperones must include at least one certified staff member from the school sponsoring the trip. Depending on the number of students involved, additional certified staff and/or parents/guardians of students going on the trip may be necessary. Chaperones shall be selected by the trip teacher/advisor. Chaperones are under the supervision of the trip teacher/advisor. 

A student will be permitted to stay in the same sleeping motel/hotel room with a chaperone only if the chaperone is a member of the student’s family. Students whose parents/guardians are not serving as chaperones will share rooms with same-sex students only.


Chaperones will agree to the following duties:


  1. Supervise and be responsible for students during the entirety of the trip;
  2. Ensure that students follow all legal and school requirements;
  3. Establish a procedure for room checks and monitor compliance; and
  4. In all ways model the behaviors expected of District students.


Any adult convicted of any sex or drug related offenses may not serve as a chaperone. The District reserves the right to request background checks on chaperones.


The safety, protection, and supervision of District students are the sole purposes for adult chaperones accompanying District students on foreign trips. Those who agree to serve as a chaperone must is accompanied by an understanding that and follow the established rules and policies will be followed.

The certified staff member serving as the trip organizer will carry a roster of students who are on the trip along with emergency information on each student. 

Children who are not a part of the group participating in the trip may not accompany parents when the parent serve as chaperones. 

All trips must be adequately supervised with a minimum of one adult per ten students. Groups with both male and female participants must have supervision of at least one male and one female adult.

Student Conduct

Students participating in the trip will be subject to all codes of conduct in District policy. Violations will result in appropriate disciplinary action. 
Students and their parent/guardian are expected to be knowledgeable about the District’s policy on student conduct. Trips are considered an extension of the classroom and all rules and policy pertaining to a school-sponsored activity must be followed. 

Students and their parent/guardian will read and sign a code of conduct. The code of conduct will be prepared by the Superintendent and will be reviewed during the pre-trip meetings. Students who violate any school policy during an extended trip may be disciplined, including, but not limited to, being sent home at the parent/guardian’s expense. 


All students must return a permission slip for the trip, signed by a parent/guardian, before they will be allowed to participate in the trip. 


Fundraising drives may be allowed to defray costs, however, all fundraisers must be pre-approved by the building principal. 

Credit shall not be granted for any school-related travel for which a fee is charged to parents/guardians or students. Such travel shall also not be necessary for any required assignment or coursework.


The responsibilities of the principal or Superintendent include: 

  1. Obtaining and retaining on file written parental permission for students who are under the age of 18;
  2. Signing any contractual agreement with a public carrier or any other service provider;
  3. Assuring that all plans and arrangements are provided to and understood by the students and their parents; and
  4. Setting student and chaperone conduct rules. 

The responsibilities of the trip organizer include: 

  1. Communicating conduct rules of students and chaperones to parents/guardians, students, and chaperones. Setting behavior expectations for students and chaperones; 
  2. Carrying a list of the names of students and chaperones participating and their emergency information, and submitting a copy of the list to the building principal prior to the trip;
  3. Notifying the building principal of any emergency situation, such as an accident involving student(s), a student missing from the group, etc.; and
  4. Identifying and providing to parents/guardians an emergency plan.


Cancellation of Trips


Cancellation of trips may occur due to weather, safety, world events, or local school need. Trips will be cancelled only when under circumstances under which appropriate school authorities believe it is reasonably cautious and prudent to do so in order to ensure the safety of students and staff or to ensure the effective operation of the local school. In such cases, every effort will be made to provide as much advance notice as possible.

The District is not responsible for financial losses to students and parents due to cancellation of trips. 

The authority to cancel trips rests with the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee. 

Report of Trip Conclusion

Following the trip, the trip organizer shall prepare and present a summary and evaluation of the trip to the Superintendent and building principal. The Board may request a summary and evaluation be presented to the Board. 


Cross References




Facilities Separated by Sex


Transcript Request Form

Please initial below to acknowledge that you are the student named above and that you have reviewed the information above and agree that it is accurate. By initialing below you endorse this document as legally binding in accordance with the e-sign bill S.761 and release the below initials in lieu of a signature.
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