3040: Compulsory Attendance

Gooding Joint School District No. 231


Compulsory Attendance

“The parent or guardian of any child who has attained the age of seven (7) years, but not the age of sixteen (16) years shall cause that child to be instructed in subjects commonly and usually taught in the public schools. Unless the child is otherwise comparably instructed, the parent or guardian shall cause the child to attend a public, private, or parochial school for a period each year equal to that during which the public schools are in session.” Idaho Code § 33-202

Parents or guardians are required to have children ages 7 through 16 enrolled in and attending a public, private, or parochial school. This school must meet the certification and standard requirements of the State of Idaho.

The Board of Trustees is responsible for the education of all school-aged children within District boundaries. Therefore, it reserves the right to insure comparability of services at all other schools.

Whenever it is determined by the Board, or the Board’s designee, under the provisions of due process of law that the parents or guardians of any child who is not enrolled in the public schools are failing to meet the requirements of Idaho Code § 33-202, an authorized representative of the Board shall notify in writing the prosecuting attorney in the county of the pupil’s residence and recommend that a petition shall be filed in the magistrates division of the District Court of the county of the pupil’s residence, in such form as the court may require under the provisions of Idaho Code § 20-510.

Legal Reference: Art. IX, § 9, Idaho Constitution – Compulsory Attendance at School

I.C. § 33-201 School age

I.C. § 33-202 School attendance compulsory

I.C. § 33-207 Proceedings against parents or guardians

I.C. § 20-510 Information – Investigation – Petition

Policy History:

Adopted on: July 17, 2012 Revised on:


Transcript Request Form

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