2580P: District Procedure on Dissection of Animals

Gooding Jt. School District No. 231


District Procedure on Dissection of Animals





Keeps a catalogue provided by building principals of all schools that house animals in schools.


Building Principal

Reviews requests to have animals housed in classrooms; approves or denies requests, and reports back to teacher and/or curriculum director;

Ensures that that students objecting to dissections have the right to refrain, and the availability, if any, of an alternative;

Reviews proof of purchase or transfer from supervising teacher of the animal to ensure it was not obtained from the wild;

Works with the supervising teacher to confer on the manner and method of storage and feeding for the animal;

Reviews permit, license, or other requirement associated with the animal, when applicable;

Catalogs any and all animals that are brought into classroom. Provides catalogue to Superintendent;

Reports any injury to parent/guardian, and oversees any procedure of removing animal from the classroom if necessary;

Annually, when course offerings and descriptions are distributed to students

Curriculum Director


  1. Which, if any, courses contain a dissection project, and

  2. The available alternative projects. Reports this information to the building principal;

Throughout the curriculum development process


Dissection” includes cutting, killing, preserving, or mounting of living or dead animals or animal parts for scientific study; it does not include the cutting, preserving, or mounting of:

  1. Meat or other animal products that have been processed for use as food or in the preparation of food, or

  2. Wool, silk, glue, or other commercial or artistic products derived from animals;

Students who object to performing, participating in, or observing a dissection must be excused from classroom attendance without penalty;


Supervising Teacher

Submits request to have a live animal in the classroom to building principal; provides proof of purchase/transfer as well as up to date vaccination and medical records of the animal; Complies with any licensure or permit requirements;

Provides student permission forms and provides copies to students; consults with parents/guardians with regard to students who may have health concerns related to contact with or proximity of animals.

Acts as primary caretaker of the animal; Provides formal classroom instruction to students regarding best sanitary and safety practices;

Work with building principal to create procedures for the storage of food and feeding of animal;

Properly disposes of animal waste;

Reports any changes in location of the animal to the building principal;





Reports injury caused by animal to building principal and directs student to appropriate medical care;



Notifies supervising teacher and building principal if they have difficulties associated with in-classroom animal;

If dissection is objectionable, asks the teacher to be excused from the dissection project and requests an alternative project;

Within the first 10 days of the course, if possible

All Staff Members

Do not penalize or discriminate against a student in any way for refusing to perform, participate in, or observe dissection.


Procedure History: Promulgated on: 7/10/2018 Revised on:

Reviewed on:

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