2440C: Online Courses and Alternative Credit Options

Gooding Jt. School District 231


INSTRUCTION                                                                              2440C


Online Courses and Alternative Credit Options


In addition to regular classroom-based instruction, students may earn credit through the following means. Instruction to elementary students may also be provided via virtual/online courses provided by the Idaho Digital Learning Alliance or any other accredited institution during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Virtual/Online Courses


The Superintendent is authorized to create a process for students enrolled in elementary or secondary schools to register for enrollment in online courses provided by accredited organizations. At a minimum, such process for registration for online courses shall be accommodated through the District’s normal registration process. Any such registration requests shall be made no later than 30 days prior to the end of the term preceding the term in which online enrollment is sought.


Online courses may be counted as credit toward graduation. Correspondence Courses

The District will permit a student to enroll in an approved correspondence course from an institution approved by the State Department of Education, in order that such a student may include a greater variety of learning experiences within the student’s educational program.


High school students may earn, through correspondence, a maximum of 52 units of academic credit to be applied toward graduation requirements. Only 26 units may be earned during any one school year.


Only courses offered by institutions recognized by the Board will be accepted. The express approval of the principal shall be obtained before the course is taken.


Credit for correspondence courses may be granted provided the following requirements are met:


  1. Prior permission has been granted by the principal; and
  2. The program fits the education plan submitted by the regularly enrolled student.


An official record of the final grade must be received by the school before a diploma may be issued to the student.


Cross References:



Legal Reference:


Policy History: Adopted on: 9/8/20 Revised on: Reviewed on: 2/9/21


2700 – 2700P                     High School Graduation Requirements 3030           Part-Time Attendance/Dual Enrollment

3050                                  Attendance


I.C. § 33-5501, et seq.       Idaho Digital Learning Academy

Transcript Request Form

Please initial below to acknowledge that you are the student named above and that you have reviewed the information above and agree that it is accurate. By initialing below you endorse this document as legally binding in accordance with the e-sign bill S.761 and release the below initials in lieu of a signature.
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