2370C: Homebound Hospital and Home Instruction

Gooding Jt. School District 231


Homebound, Hospital, and Home Instruction

The Board directs the Superintendent to work with any staff members he or she deems appropriate to create plans for remote learning. These plans shall allow for instruction of homebound students and students whose parents/guardians choose to have them attend school remotely.

Such students shall be included in calculating the average daily attendance

Legal References: I.C. § 33-1001 Foundation Program — State Aid —

Apportionment – Definitions

I.C. § 33-1003A Calculation of Average Daily Attendance

Policy History: Adopted on: 9-8-2020 Revised on: Reviewed on:

2370C-1 (ISBA 08/2020 UPDATE)

Transcript Request Form

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PowerSchool Notice of Data Breach Impacting Gooding School District

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