2200: School Year, Calendar, and Instructional Hours

Gooding Joint School District No. 231

INSTRUCTION                                                                                                        2200

School Year, Calendar, and Instructional Hours

The Board will establish, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, an official school calendar for the ensuing school year no later than the regular March meeting. Tentative calendars for future years also may be established. The regular calendar will include the number of school days, number of work days for staff members, and will indicate holiday periods. The calendar adopted will be consistent with existing statutes and State Board of Education rules and regulations. Community and staff desires will be weighed in designing the calendar.

School Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the school is from July 1 to June 30.

School Calendar

The Board annually shall establish the dates for opening and closing classes, teacher in-services, the length and dates of vacation, and the days designated as legal school holidays.

Holidays / Commemorative Days


School holidays shall include New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.


For those commemorative days that fall on a school day, the teachers and students shall devote a portion of the day on each such day designated in I.C. § 73-108.


Instructional Hours


The District shall provide the minimum number of instructional hours for students at each grade level as follows:












PIR Days


Not more than twenty-two (22) hours may be utilized for in-service teacher activities.


Legal Reference: I.C. § 33-512         Governance of schools

I.C. § 33-701         Fiscal year – Payment and accounting of funds IDAPA Required Instructional Time

IDAPA Day in Session When Counting Pupils in



Policy History: Adopted on: 5/8/12 Revised on: Reviewed on: 1/19/21

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PowerSchool Notice of Data Breach Impacting Gooding School District

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