2110C: Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

To ensure proper planning and continuity of instruction, the Board requires each teacher to prepare daily lesson plans for instruction. To facilitate more effective instruction, lesson plans must be prepared at least seven (7) days in advance of the actual class presentation. The format for the lesson plan will be specified by the building principal and shall be reviewed on a regular basis. The lesson plan must be readily available when a substitute teacher is needed.

Careful planning should precede:

  1. The opening of the school year;

  2. The beginning of a project; and

  3. The daily activities that address the needs of students.

Planning should include:

  1. Statements of objectives;

  2. Procedures and strategies to be used;

  3. Organizational materials and instruction;

  4. Materials – basic and supplementary; and

  5. Evaluation of students.

Planning should be creative, challenging, and continuous. Additionally, planning should be flexible in order to meet the needs and abilities of students. Due to the current pandemic, such flexibility and planning shall be required to include a plan to transition to remote learning.

Policy History: Adopted on: 9-8-20 Revised on: Reviewed on:

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