2000: Goals

The District’s educational program will seek to provide opportunities for each child to develop to his or her maximum potential. The Board believes that each student is unique and has the potential for making positive contributions to society. The Board recognizes that in order to function in society, individuals need to master certain basic skills and need to continue learning throughout life. The Board believes that while learning the need for the value of group dynamics, individuals will come to know and to appreciate their worth and that of others. The Board believes that by accepting and fulfilling appropriate responsibilities, individuals will come to value resultant privileges. Finally, the Board believes that each individual needs to develop an awareness of and sensitivity to creativity in all things whether they are functional or aesthetic. It is with this in mind that the District commits itself in a cooperative effort with parents and the community to provide an atmosphere that will address the following goals of a quality education:

  1. Communication Skills: A quality education will help every student acquire the communication skills of understanding, speaking, listening, reading, and
  2. Mathematics: A quality education will help every student acquire knowledge, appreciation, and skills in mathematics.
  3. Science and Technology: A quality education will help every student acquire knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of science and technology.
  4. Citizenship: A quality education will help every student learn the history of the nation, understand its systems of government and economics, and acquire the values and attitudes necessary for responsible citizenship.
  5. Arts and Humanities: A quality education will help every student acquire knowledge, appreciation, and skills in the arts and humanities.
  6. Analytical Thinking: A quality education will help every student develop analytical
  7. Family Living: A quality education will help every student acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for successful personal and family living.
  8. Work: A quality education will help every student acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to become a self-supporting member of society.
  9. Health: A quality education will help every student acquire knowledge and develop practices necessary to maintain physical and emotional well-being.
  10. Environment: A quality education will help every student acquire the knowledge and attitudes necessary to maintain quality of life in a balanced environment.
  11. Self Esteem: A quality education will help every student develop self-understanding and feeling of self-worth.
  12. Understanding Others: A quality education will help every student acquire knowledge of different cultures and an appreciation of the equal worth and rights of all people.

Administrative personnel are responsible for apprising the Board on the current and future status of the District’s educational programs. The Superintendent should prepare periodic reports including:

  • A review and evaluation of the present curriculum;
  • A projection of curriculum and resource needs;
  • An evaluation of, and plan to eliminate, any sexual, cultural, ethnic, or religious bias that may be present in the curriculum or instructional materials and methods;
  • A plan for new or revised instructional program implementations; and
  • A review of present and future facility

Policy History: Adopted on: May 8, 2012 

Revised on:

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