2021-2022 Student Transportation Registration

Gooding School Bus

The Gooding School District transportation department serves over 1,000 bus passengers each day. To control bus capacities and keep our students safe, all students must register, and be assigned to a bus, PRIOR to riding.  Each student in your family should be registered online.

Transportation by school bus is not mandatory. This service is provided for those who wish to ride under the terms and guidelines established by the State of Idaho and School District policy. Gooding School District prides itself in providing safe, reliable transportation for students.

All school bus drivers must be state licensed and must perform their duties as stipulated by the Idaho State Board of Education, the U.S. Department of Transportation, and Gooding School District policy. All school bus drivers receive continuous in-service training in the safe methods of operating a school bus.

All school buses travel established and approved routes. Bus stops are established at designated locations. It is not possible to provide a bus stop at every street or lane. School bus route numbers are displayed beside the entrance door of the bus.

Unregistered students waiting at a bus stop without a parent/guardian present, will be transported to school. Unregistered students will not be transported home after school. Transportation home for unregistered students will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian.

Please register all Gooding School District students that will be riding a bus to/from your Bus Stop.

Students will be assigned only ONE bus stop, determined by the address of the enrolling parent/guardian.

Students that DO NOT RIDE a school bus should NOT register.

Bus routes and times may differ from last year.

All routes and times are subject to change during the school year

A copy of passenger rules can be found HERE.

Parents/Guardians should contact the Transportation Department directly with any questions concerning student busing (208)934-4321 ext. 3380

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Transcript Request Form

Please initial below to acknowledge that you are the student named above and that you have reviewed the information above and agree that it is accurate. By initialing below you endorse this document as legally binding in accordance with the e-sign bill S.761 and release the below initials in lieu of a signature.
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